Using the new Asset Service when exporting resources in iPMC
Hi! When creating an integration that will export resources (images/documents) to other systems from inRiver Product Marketing Cloud (iPMC) you have a lot of different options on how to do this. For example: Going with the old fashioned, creating files on disk using iRIS (inRiver Remote Integration Service). Placing the data on a cloud drive, like an FTP or Amazon S3 bucket. Then the target system will have to read the file from there. Sending the actual data of the resource directly to the target system. Either by base64-encoding the byte-array to send it as normal post-call or creating a multipart form post. There are several downsides to the above mentioned ways of sending resource data: Creating files on disk requires you to have an actual server somewhere that you need to pay for and take care of. If you can co-host iRIS on the same machine as the target system, that covers the costs initially but you may end up needing to increase the performance on the server. Clou...